Thursday, March 1, 2012

I feel like Jonah

Ok so we all remember the story of Jonah right? God told him to go to Nineveh, but Jonah got scared and went to Tarshish instead. Jonah decided to follow his own plan and nothing worked out for him. When he finally came to his senses and did what God had told him to do in the first place then everything worked out.

Well, I'm Jonah. As I said before, after our third child was born I immediately felt the urge to adopt. My husband, however did not. I prayed for 6 years before God changed David's heart. When David finally agreed to adopt, I felt drawn to Africa right away, but we were both frieghtened by the cost. So we thought we would adopt from foster care. After all there were a lot of children in need of families and it wouldn't cost much, only a nominal fee. We were being financially responsible and doing a good thing. What could be wrong with that? We waited 2 years and never had a placement. Many people I talk to can't believe we waited 2 years and never had a placement from foster care. But it wasn't God's plan.

So after 2 years, we decided to try a private agency for a domestic infant adoption. We found an agency that had reduced fees. I still felt the pull toward Africa, but didn't think we could afford it. I mean $7 to $10 thousand was alot but it seemed doable compared with $25 to $30 thousand. When we began the process we didn't have any money, but in just a few months God had provided the money we needed. I felt optomistic and so we waited to be chosen by a birth mother. And we waited, and waited, and waited for 2 and a half years. Finally we were told by our case worker that we should try other agencies. I was despondent.

 I began to feel that old familiar tug in my heart for Africa. Soon afterward  it seemed like I was seeing stories of couples adopting from Ethiopia everywhere. Many of the couples had the same fears as I did about the cost but God always provided what they needed when they needed it. So I began doing some research on qualifications to adopt from Ethiopia as well as other places. The only place we qualified for was Ethiopia. All other doors were closing for us. I prayed and prayed and prayed. Was this what God wanted for us? After several months I became convinced that this is what we were supposed to do. When David and I talked about it he was not sure. I have a friend who once told me that God prepares the wifes heart first so that when her husband is ready she will be too. Finally a few weeks ago David's heart changed. We are going to do what God told us to do 6 years ago.

We have about half of the money we need but we are going to trust God to provide the rest. After all if He has called us, then He will provide a way. I am still scared, but this Jonah is going to her Nineveh.
