Thursday, April 11, 2013

Another Conversation with Desiree

Desiree and I had our first conversation about why she lives with Mimi and Poppy instead of Momma.
There is a picture in my bedroom of myself,Tina, Nonnie(my mother) and Desiree which was taken while she was still in the hospital. Desiree was looking at this picture tonight and said, "When I was a tiny baby I lived with Momma and Nonnie, right?"
I said,"Yes, when you were a tiny baby you lived with Momma and Nonnie. Momma loved you and took care of you, but one day she said that she couldn't take care of you any more. She asked Mimi if she would take care of you. Mimi said she would gladly take care of you. And you have lived with Mimi and Poppy ever since." Desiree smiled. She seemed quite pleased with this explanation.

I hadn't expected to have this conversation with her when she was this young,(she's only 3) but I think she is noticing other families. She sees that other kids live with Mommas and Daddys, but she doesn't.

Last night we were reading a book called Are You My Mother? by Dr Suess. It is about a baby bird that hatches while it's mother is away from the nest, so the baby bird goes searching for her. On his journey he finds different animals and asks them if they are his mother. After the story Desiree looked me in the eyes and said, "You're my mother. Aren't you Mimi."
I was a little taken aback, but I answered ," Yes, I am the one who loves and cares for you so I am like your mother."

This is all new to me. I hope I am giving good answers to her. If anyone is reading this and has adopted, how did you discuss your child's adoption with them?( Even though Desiree is not really adopted.)


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