Monday, March 18, 2013

Eventful Week

We have had an eventful week here in our family.
Our oldest son,Josh, started his first job on Wednesday. He is working at a plant nursery in our town. It is alot of physical work, and he loves it. The same day was exactly a month since Desiree's accident. While at the hospital, the doctors told us to keep her off her leg for a month, but then she could start walking again. So Wednesday morning I let her decide if she wanted to try to walk. She was afraid at first, but once she realized that she could do it without pain she was excited.
She has no strength in her right leg from not using it for the past month. She was very wobbly on her legs and I had to hold her hand, but she walked from her room to the living room. We borrowed a walker from a friend who has a handicapped child. Now Desiree walks all over the place. She is quickly gaining strength. Hopefully it won't be long til she can walk without any assistance at all.

As I mentioned in a previous post, we were being investigated by DFACS. We recieved a letter today saying that the case is closed. All allegations were found to be unsubstantiated. We were cleared. Thank you Lord!

Our homestudy for Ghana has been put on hold during the investigation. Hopefully, now we can continue the process.


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