Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Things on my mind

Alot has been on my mind today. I woke up to the news that our Ambassador to Libya was killed over night by Muslims angery over an anti-muslim movie. This made me so mad! If your religion can't take a little criticism than maybe there is something wrong with it. Christianity is constantly being criticized and we Christians do not behave this way. It just makes me furious. If one more persons says that Islam is a religion of peace, I will throw up.

The other thing on my mind is my neice Marana. Before she moved here, she had gotten a ticket for driving without insurance. What happened was: her mother had taken a pain killer and was unable to drive so Marana drove her. Marana got pulled over and when the officer asked to see the registration and proof of insurance, her mother said they had no insurance. It was Marana's mother's car and her responsiblity to make sure the car had insurance. Marana had no idea that there was no insurance, but she is the one who got the ticket.

 So Marana had to go to court last month for the ticket. The judge told her that although it was her mom's car, she was the one driving and it was her resposiblity to know whether there was insurance on the car or not. He said he could give her 6 months in jail but he would give her probation for 1 year. Part of her probation is she has to pay for the ticket and probation fees once a month for 1 year:$140 a month. Well Marana has no job. She has been looking but no one is hiring. Anyway, her dad gave her the money for this months installment. She mailed it off last week, but when she called her probation officer on Monday, she said that the money had not gotten there and if it didn't come by Wednesday she would go to jail for violating her probation. Well Marana called her probation officer this morning to check and she said that the money came in Monday after Marana had called. So because this woman couldn't pick up the phone and let Maran know that the money had come in Marana spent 2 days terrified she was going to jail. What has happend to common decency?

Well the good news is that Marana told me today that she wants to go to church every Sunday now. When I asked why, she said that she has felt faraway from God lately and she wants to get closer to Him.  Marana and I have become close since she moved here and I pray that God works a miracle in her heart and in her life.


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