Monday, July 16, 2012

More negativity

Well, people's true colors are beginning to show. Some people just can't or won't see beyond the surface of a person's skin. Skin color is just that, skin color. It doesn't say anything about their intelligence or their morals. I knew that racism existed but it has never really been thrown in my face the way it has lately. I know this is something that we are going to have to deal with regularly now, but it still makes me angry.

 Because we are white,are we supposed to ignore all of the kids of different colors that are dying or living in orphanages that have no one to love and care for them? God says that we are to love ALL people. James 1:27 says that we are to take care of the orphan. It doesn't say just white orphans.

Someone actually said that because we now have Desiree, we shouldn't adopt a black child. Why? Is she going to be somehow corrupted because of our African child's skin color? That's absurd!

I have been searching for other families in our area that have children of different colors. I want Desiree, as well as my other children, to see that people are just people, not colors. A person's worth does not depend on how much melonin is in their skin.    

This is Desiree with some of her friends. Do they look like they care what color each other's skin  is?      


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