Friday, June 1, 2012

First Visit

We have our first visit for our home study scheduled for Friday, June 8th. Wow, it's really happening! I am so excited. I've been thinking alot lately about our soon-to-be African child. I saw on the news earlier this week about a food shortage in some countries of Africa. I held my breath until I saw that the countries we are looking at weren't involved. Don't get me wrong; I feel bad for all the people in the countries that are involved, but I was glad that our child wouldn't be one of them.

I have started to try to prepare Desiree. I have told her that we are going to have a new child come into our family. We know a family that have adopted an African child named Gabby. I told Desiree that our new child will have dark skin and hair like Gabby. She is excited about having another child(last night she said she wanted to sleep with our new kid), but I don't think she fully understands yet. I would love to have another girl so Desiree and she will have more in common. But I will joyously accept a boy if that is what God has in store for us. I know that boys have a much harder time being placed. I have 2 boys all ready and I love them with all my heart and I would love another if our child is a boy.

Well, wish us luck on our first visit.


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